Saturday, May 27, 2006

Check out the advance promotion on this upcoming auction.

As I was browsing the web tonite- I came across a very professional auction site for Cal Recreation and Cal Alumini- the fact they have begun to promote these auctions so early, suggests that this type of premarketing works.

Check out the design and layout – not to mention the result of last years auctions- a site like this is a teaser for bidders. Building interest months before the auction starts. .

Cal Online Auction Beneficiaries:

1. Cal Recreational Sports Development Fund - Benefitting Youth Summer Camp Scholarships for deserving area families and Recreational Sports memberships for UC Berkeley Pell Grant students. Cal Recreational Sports

2. Cal Alumni Association - Funding programs and services that directly support our great public university. Among these are Cal Advocacy, career services, lifelong learning, student services and much more. Cal Alumni Association


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